One time Lori, some other people, and I were sitting at a big round table in a restaurant in Kansas City, Missouri. We had just got off work at the Pink Pussy Cat. Lori still had her pasties on.
For those who do not kow, pasties are the covering for the nipple of the breast. The stripper covers the pink or brown part, which ever color she has, of the nipple when she dances at places that do not allow her to show her nipple. These are usually made from a stiff material and covered with shiny sequins.
Lori had on a thin top with no bra. She still, for some reason, had her pasties on. The pasties shown through like the sun. For some reason we were talking about sores.
The waitress was a real prude. She was really rude. She kept looking and making faces and acting all grossed out from our conversation. She did not like us anyway because she knew we were all from twelth street where the strip clubs and go-go joints were.
Lori had enough of it. Finally, Lori looked at the waitress and started to unbutton her blouse as she said, "Do you want to see my sores?" The waitress shouted, "No! I don't wanna see your sores!" She stormed off.
We thought it was really funny. As I look back, I hope the waitress did not spit in our food! She probably had the last laugh.
Opal as THE X-RATED GRANDMA on YouTube:
1 comment:
You 2 where right to "Take A Stand" However, You should have waited for the waitress to serve your food first(She could have put a buggers in the food:)
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