Saturday, August 23, 2008

Police will Bust You for Anything they Decide...

As a stripper, a girl has to realize that every once in awhile she will be busted. The police come in the burlesk theater or club and arrest the dancers for such things as lewd and obscene behavior.

This usually happened when the girls would take off more than what the law allowed, usually, the g-string - the pantie part - and bare it all. But if they had decided to arrest the girls, they would do it no matter what the girl did or did not do.

One dancer told me that they busted the whole show one time where she was working for showing pubic hair. She was clean shaven between the legs. She said, "How can you arrest me? I don't have any hair!" It did not make any difference. They arrested her anyway.

Another dancer told me that in one burlesque theater where she worked, the manager came back and told the girls not to take anything off because the police were in the theater. Well, they busted the whole show anyway because the police said the girls were making obscene gestures.

So if the police wanted to arrest us, they wold do it no matter what we did. Things have not changed.

Opal's new V-log episode as THE X-RATED GRANDMA:

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