Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Vision of My Becoming a Stripper

I believe in visions. The reason for this is because I have experienced them for myself. One such vision occurred before I ever knew there were such things as visions. Because I did not know there were such things as visions at this time is one factor that reinforces my firm belief that there really are visions. I believe that it is possible for a person to predict his/her future and the fture of others because I have done it and the future turned out like I visioned it.

The first time I remember that I ever had a vision was when I was still married. At that time, I was settled in my mind to know that I would be married all my life. I had two kids and a husband. I had been taught that a person stays married no matter what - throught thick and thin. That's just the way it was - "You made your bed - now lay in it!"

My marriage was not the best; but at that time I did not consider it the worst. I made compromises to get along with my husband.

Even though it did not make me happy, at the time, I really did feel that I was doing the right thing. I was being a good wife and mother.

But there was an unsettling deep inside me. The unsettling that has been with me all my life. The unsettling that I have had ever since I have had any sense of consciousness. The unsettling that will not let me stop and be satisfied with a certain situation or certain type of life for any length of time. The unsettling that knaws at my insides to do something else. The unsettling that will not let me settle down - my spirit.

I really had made up my mind that being a good wife and mother and working hard to help pay the bills was my lot in life. I was satisfied in my mind with this decision. There was only one problem. I would lay awake at night with this vision in my mind. I could see myself dancing on stage in front of a bunch of men. I had on a bright red sequin gown trimmed with black feathers. I was divorced. My kids and I were living in different states.

I could not figure out why I was having these thoughts. They would appear sporatically when I had my mind clear, at night, and while I was in bed and could not sleep.

It turns out that I was actually seeing my future. When I divorced my husband, a few years later I became a stripper. A veteran stripper took me under her wing and showed me the ropes of the business. She sold me a red sequin gown trimmed in black feathers for $10.00. At the time she sold it to me, I did not think about my vision; but later on I remembered that this was the gown that was in my vision. I was going on the road; so I put my kids in boarding schools. John was in Tennessee at a military school. Melissa was in Kentucky at a girl's Catholic school. As with the gown, I ddid not remember my vision of all three of us being in different places until later - long after I had enrolled them.

I was traveling from town to town stripping at different burlesk theaters in front of a bunch of men. I was doing this for a long period of time before I remembered this being in my vision.

Other visions in my life have occurred over the years that have reaffirmed my belief in visions. But this first one that I remember stays fresh in my mind more than the rest because, at the time, I had never heard of a vision.

I feel that my spirit put the vision in my mind. This vision represented a big turning point in my life. It is the one vision that relly did change my life and my kids' lives for the better - forever.

Opal in the new Feature Film trailer THE OLD STRIPPER:

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