Friday, July 11, 2008

Lesson From My Parents and Barney...

There are many, certain ways that I was raised that I do not agree. The main one is the small-mindedness that was bred into me. Luckily, I overcame that.

One lesson I took from my childhood and have cultivated was one my mother taught me - always take care of our kids, no matter what - you are not worth what you are made of if you don't - other things will come and go, but your kids will always be there. My father taught me that it is important to be a good worker and pay your bills no matter what.

I have always tried to be a good worker. I always try to do my best at any job I do because I feel my boss has bought my time for a certain length and is paying me for it; so my wants and desires should not come above his or hers. But I can honestly say that, at times in my life, I have not always paid my bills the way I should.

I learned to be a hard worker from Barney Eagon, my boss at the Blue Top Cafe in Lamar, Missouri. He was really strict - such as standing over my shoulder an making sure I did not put one more squirt of milk in the milk shake than was supposed to go or a drop more of chocolate than was required. He taught me that the customer is the King and without the customer there is no cafe and no jobs.

Barney, unknowingly, was preparing me for the hard life I was going to face raising my kids on my own. It was like boot camp working for him; but I am thankful he was like this because when I left the Blue Top Cafe and went to other jobs in other states, I met people who did not know how to work. I can truly say that Barney Eagon is the one person who really did teach me - "how to work."

I am very thankful for the lessons I mentioned from my mother, father, and Barney. I know, that this combination is what helped me to endure and overcome the hard times I encountered while raising my children and to succeed in this effort.

1 comment:

my blog said...

Its good to see , you have positive attitude toward life.

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