Thursday, November 13, 2008

Higher Power that Helped Us...

There have been many experiences that I have endured since I left Lamar, Missouri. Nobody was as dumb as me. I am glad I lived through all of them. I am glad my children lived through all of them. I was so ignorant of the world - not only the big things that happened but, also, the small things. I did not realize the potential dangers that many of my actions put my children and me in. If I had to do over, I would not have taken the chances that I took. But since it is over, and we all lived through it, I am glad I took the chances. If I had not, we would not have done and seen all the things that we experienced. From this, I know that there is a higher ower that watched over us and protected us and always directed my thoughts to do the right things as best I could. If it had not been for this higher power, we would not be here today.

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