Sunday, November 23, 2008

High Power Watched Over Me

I went throught a period of drinking alcohol after my kids reached eighteen. I felt a relief that I had done my job - an accomplishment of having raised them to adulthood.

My drinking went too far. One time, I blacked out and woke up on a bridge driving to North Kansas City. At that point, I knew there was a higher power. There was no way I was in control of the car. Someone besides me was driving.

This, also, happened to me many othere time like when I would wake up at home but did not remember driving home. If it had not been for the higher power watching over me while I was heavily drinking, I would not be able to write about it now.

I really do believe that my life has been saved to do some good. I hope I realize the good I am supposed to do and do it.

Opal's X-RATED GRANDMA Doritos commercial:

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