Sunday, August 31, 2008

Lori Asking Waitress if She Wants to see her Sores...

One time Lori, some other people, and I were sitting at a big round table in a restaurant in Kansas City, Missouri. We had just got off work at the Pink Pussy Cat. Lori still had her pasties on.

For those who do not kow, pasties are the covering for the nipple of the breast. The stripper covers the pink or brown part, which ever color she has, of the nipple when she dances at places that do not allow her to show her nipple. These are usually made from a stiff material and covered with shiny sequins.

Lori had on a thin top with no bra. She still, for some reason, had her pasties on. The pasties shown through like the sun. For some reason we were talking about sores.

The waitress was a real prude. She was really rude. She kept looking and making faces and acting all grossed out from our conversation. She did not like us anyway because she knew we were all from twelth street where the strip clubs and go-go joints were.

Lori had enough of it. Finally, Lori looked at the waitress and started to unbutton her blouse as she said, "Do you want to see my sores?" The waitress shouted, "No! I don't wanna see your sores!" She stormed off.

We thought it was really funny. As I look back, I hope the waitress did not spit in our food! She probably had the last laugh.

Opal as THE X-RATED GRANDMA on YouTube:

Friday, August 29, 2008

Lori and Me Fighting Over Buster....

My friend, Lori Lanier, better known on the burlesk theater circuit as Peaches and Cream and I really had a lot of fun together. We did some really crazy things. We liked to shock people from our frequent displays of insanity.

There was a customer - an oler guy - who used to come to see us dance in Kansas City, Missouri at the Pink Pussy Cat. His nick-name was Buster. We teased him by calling him Buster Brown.

We always made over him making him think that we really liked him. We would be walking down the street with him acting like we were fighting over him. He was at the height of his glory.

He would take us out to eat. We would act like we both wanted to sit on the same side of the booth with him. We would act like we were getting into an argument over him - over who would get to sit with him. Finally, we would make a compromise. We would take turns sitting with him. We would eat a little while and then change seats.

That was funny enough; but what was even more funny was when we changed seats, we would leave our plate of food. We just changed seats. We did not move our food. She would eat off my plate; and I would eat off hers.

I think this grossed Buster out more than it turned him on. But we did not care. We got our big thrill from the shocked looks from Buster, the waitress, and everyone around us.


Saturday, August 23, 2008

Police will Bust You for Anything they Decide...

As a stripper, a girl has to realize that every once in awhile she will be busted. The police come in the burlesk theater or club and arrest the dancers for such things as lewd and obscene behavior.

This usually happened when the girls would take off more than what the law allowed, usually, the g-string - the pantie part - and bare it all. But if they had decided to arrest the girls, they would do it no matter what the girl did or did not do.

One dancer told me that they busted the whole show one time where she was working for showing pubic hair. She was clean shaven between the legs. She said, "How can you arrest me? I don't have any hair!" It did not make any difference. They arrested her anyway.

Another dancer told me that in one burlesque theater where she worked, the manager came back and told the girls not to take anything off because the police were in the theater. Well, they busted the whole show anyway because the police said the girls were making obscene gestures.

So if the police wanted to arrest us, they wold do it no matter what we did. Things have not changed.

Opal's new V-log episode as THE X-RATED GRANDMA:

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Busted in Philadelphia....

One time when I was stripping in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the police raded the burlesk theater and arrested all the strippers. This did not happen too often; but it was always expecteed.

Maxie Furman was the manager. He spoke up for us girls against the police. He told them how we were not hurting anyone - just dong our jobs. He said as he pointed to me, And look at this girl. She sends her son to military school. How could she do that if she didn't dance? That costs a lot of money!" It made me feel good that he said that about me. It was the truth.

The police did not say anything; and it did not cut any ice with them as far as letting us go. They had to do their jobs, too. Especially, since it was election year.


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Sunday, August 17, 2008

Good Reputation I Built up as a Stripper

When I was a stripper, I built up a reputation among everyone in this business all the way from the strippers, ticket takers, snack bar men, and the owners of the burlesk theaters and clubs as being straight-laced. They all knew that I did not smoke, drink, do drugs, or go out with the customers. All of these people, also, knew that my main objective for my stripping career was to support my two children. They knew that most of my money went to my children's boarding schools and for their general well-being.

When I worked the burlesk theater circuit for approximately seven years, owned by Al Baker, I really did receive a large display of respect from him. His mother and father used to work the burlesk circuits yeArs ago as comedians or whatever. His mother won the Irish Sweepstakes. Al's father took the money and bought alot of burlesk theaters; thus forming the Al Baker Circuit. His name was Al, too.

His mother wanted little Al to have a good education; so they sent him to military school. This is the reason Al Baker respected me in this way. He liked military school and thought it was good that I sent my son to one.

He expressed his feelings to me many tmes. He would tell me that it was good that I was sending my son to miltary school and that I take care of my kids and don't give my money to some man.

Reputations wherther good or bad follow a person. It would amaze me when I would go to a place I had never danced before and the owner would say, "Wild Star? Oh! Yeh! I've heard about you! You don't smoke, drink or do drugs; and you're rasing two kids". This made me feel good.

Opal, the X-Rated Grandma, in THE ACCEPTABLE SIN:

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Vision of My Becoming a Stripper

I believe in visions. The reason for this is because I have experienced them for myself. One such vision occurred before I ever knew there were such things as visions. Because I did not know there were such things as visions at this time is one factor that reinforces my firm belief that there really are visions. I believe that it is possible for a person to predict his/her future and the fture of others because I have done it and the future turned out like I visioned it.

The first time I remember that I ever had a vision was when I was still married. At that time, I was settled in my mind to know that I would be married all my life. I had two kids and a husband. I had been taught that a person stays married no matter what - throught thick and thin. That's just the way it was - "You made your bed - now lay in it!"

My marriage was not the best; but at that time I did not consider it the worst. I made compromises to get along with my husband.

Even though it did not make me happy, at the time, I really did feel that I was doing the right thing. I was being a good wife and mother.

But there was an unsettling deep inside me. The unsettling that has been with me all my life. The unsettling that I have had ever since I have had any sense of consciousness. The unsettling that will not let me stop and be satisfied with a certain situation or certain type of life for any length of time. The unsettling that knaws at my insides to do something else. The unsettling that will not let me settle down - my spirit.

I really had made up my mind that being a good wife and mother and working hard to help pay the bills was my lot in life. I was satisfied in my mind with this decision. There was only one problem. I would lay awake at night with this vision in my mind. I could see myself dancing on stage in front of a bunch of men. I had on a bright red sequin gown trimmed with black feathers. I was divorced. My kids and I were living in different states.

I could not figure out why I was having these thoughts. They would appear sporatically when I had my mind clear, at night, and while I was in bed and could not sleep.

It turns out that I was actually seeing my future. When I divorced my husband, a few years later I became a stripper. A veteran stripper took me under her wing and showed me the ropes of the business. She sold me a red sequin gown trimmed in black feathers for $10.00. At the time she sold it to me, I did not think about my vision; but later on I remembered that this was the gown that was in my vision. I was going on the road; so I put my kids in boarding schools. John was in Tennessee at a military school. Melissa was in Kentucky at a girl's Catholic school. As with the gown, I ddid not remember my vision of all three of us being in different places until later - long after I had enrolled them.

I was traveling from town to town stripping at different burlesk theaters in front of a bunch of men. I was doing this for a long period of time before I remembered this being in my vision.

Other visions in my life have occurred over the years that have reaffirmed my belief in visions. But this first one that I remember stays fresh in my mind more than the rest because, at the time, I had never heard of a vision.

I feel that my spirit put the vision in my mind. This vision represented a big turning point in my life. It is the one vision that relly did change my life and my kids' lives for the better - forever.

Opal in the new Feature Film trailer THE OLD STRIPPER:

Friday, August 8, 2008

Me Saying I Would Never Take All of My Clothes Off...

I have learned through life to not say, "I would never do that!!" It seems that everytime I have said that I end up doing the very thing that I really and truly felt in my heart that I would not do. One such incident occurred before I had become a stripper.

I was working at a go-go joint in Independence, Missouri - The Mountaineer Club. My job was to wait on customers - be a cocktail waaitress - and take my turn go-go dancing. There were about three of us girls doing this. I did not mind the go-go dancing because I just got up on the stage with a little tank top and some short shorts and danced. None of us took anything off.

One day a good-looking girl came in the club. She knew the owner. She was talking to him and some of the customers - really seeming to have a good time. Suddenly, she jumped upon the stage and started dancing. She danced in a sexy, erotic way that I had never seen before and never knew possible.

I asked one of the go-go dancers who she was. She told me that she was a stripper who traveled with another girl on the road. I said, "You mean they take their clothes off?" She said, "Yes! Everythng!" I replied, "Well, I might be a go-go dancer; but I know for sure that that's one thing I would never do - take my clothes off in front of a bunch of men!"

I wish I had a penny for every eyeball that has seen my naked body. I look back and laugh at my innocence and narrow-mindedness.

Opal, the X-RATED GRANDMA on Funny or Die:
See more funny videos at Funny or Die

Monday, August 4, 2008

Stage Names and Me Changing My Name....

There were a lot of girls that I worked with as a stripper; but I really did not know any of their names. At least, not their real names. And I really did not care to know. I only knew their stage names, the names they wanted the men to call them. These names, to me, were their real names.

All the strippers I knew had this same attitude. Two girls could be really close friends for years and never know each other's legal names. And never ever care. This was the regularly accepted type of thought among us strippers.

An example of some of the names were Tijuana, Misty Knight, Linda Darling and Foxy Lady. When they chose their names, they usually decided on one that best represented a certain emotion or feeling. If not that, than a representation of something else - maybe their culture.

I danced under two different names - Wild Star and Melissa St. John. I chose Wild Star when I first started stripping because at that time, I felt wild and like a shining star.

There was a name I chose before Wild Star; but it lasted only a couple of shows. This name was Wild Flower. I wanted a name to represent the wildness inside me.

It was my turn to dance. They announced me, "And now, lets have a big hand for Wild Flower!" I heard some customer say, "What'd ya say 'Wall Flower'!?!?" Right then I decided to change my name. Iam glad I did. I fugured that future customers might misunderstand my name as this man did. I thought a name like this would create a negative attitude before I ever got on stage. Wild Star represented me better anyway because I not only felt wild but, also, shiny.

I changed my name to Melissa St. John later in my career as a stripper and only used Wild Star at places where I had danced before using it. People I knew when I used Wild Star still called me Wild Star even though I had now changed my name. People I knew back then - to this day still call me Wild Star. People I met later after I changed my name - to this day - call me Melissa.

I changed my name for two reasons. The first was for financial reasons. I had stripped under the name of Wild Star for quite a few years and had a steady job on the Al Baker Burlesk Theater circuit traveling around and sometimes working as a stock girl. He paid his regular girls less money than the star of the show. But it was worth it to me because it was steady money every week.

The star of the show was not a regular of the Al Baker circuit. She would dance at different theaters and clubs but make more money. The work was not as secure as for a girl working the same theater circuit year after year.

After a few years working for Al Baker, I decided to ry to go out on my own, find an agent, and make more money and become a star myself. I called some agents but they were unable to get me more money because by now Wild Star was pretty well-known by theater and club owners as Al Baker's stock girl. They said, "Why should I pay Wild Star more money than Al Baker does?" I realized that I would hve to change my name if I wanted to make more money.

Most of the owners of the other theaters and clubs that turned me down did not know what I looked like. They had oly heard about me. I figured that if I could get jobs making more money with another name that by the time they knew I was Wild Star, they would see how good a job I ddid and not care anyway. It worked. I chose the name of Melissa St. John.

By now the feelings of wildness were calmed by the feelings of serenity that I had found from finding my own true spirit. My children mean more to me then life. Melissa is my daughter's name. John is my son's name. At that point in my life, I felt elevated, spiritually, to the level of a saint; thus Melissa St. John.

The strippers I knew did not use ther real, legal name and nobody cared or even wanted to know - not even the owners. Legal names were not important. The importance displayed back then with the large majority of the strippers was the importance of their soul and spirits. If I had never become a sripper, I do not feel I would have ever met my true self - my spirit.

Opal, the OLD STRIPPER, Talking about Shit:

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Lesbian Attacking Me....

Strippers get a bad rap of being stereotyped as whores, lesbians, and dopers. There were a lot of lesbians, but not all of us were. The ones who were never tried to get a straight girl to have sex with them. But there are exceptions to every rule.

One such exception occurred bakstage at the Follie's Burlesk Theater. I was the stock girl and was backstage by the records getting the show prepared. This stripper comes up to me telling me how she likes girls. I let her talk. My attitude towards her was "matter-of-factly - like so what? - Who cares?

Then the tide took a turn. She said that she wanted me. I told her that I was not a lesbian and I did not want to do anything with her. I turned my back. She grabbed me and said, "Wide Star, you're going to do something whether you want to or not! Wrong move! I broke loose and knocked her clear across the room. She never bothered me again.

Opal, the X-Rated Grandma, as PHONE SEX GRANDMA: