Monday, April 20, 2009

People Telling Me I Should Give My Kids to a Family

Sometimes during the period that I was raising my kids, a smart-ass would tell me I should give them to a family; so they could have a "home". I ignored their comments because whenever my kids and I were together we were the "home". I tried to teach them that when we were apart - me at work traveling and them in their oarding schools - that we were still at "home" in our hearts and our minds.

There was one dancer in Detroit that was always telling me I should give up my kids. People like her I hated immediately.

I am just glad that I never did listen to all the ignorant advice such as this. There was never a doubt in my mind that I was doing the right thing by keeping my kids. I was sure of it then; and I am sure of it now.

Opal's son Jack talking about her new STRIPPER book THOUGHTS OF A STRIPPER:

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