I feel that everyone should pay back to the world some way for the privilege of having lived. I feel that my way of doing this will be to fight for animal rights.
I was dragged through Hell to make me realize that it is wrong to kill animals. I feel that it is my "duty" to the world to, at least, let it know that killing animals is wrong. There is not a doubt in my mind about this.
If I had not been left to raise my kids on my own and become a stripper, I really feel that I would not have ever become a vegetarian. I knew I was going to have to raise them on my own with no help from anyone. I wanted to, at least, raise them until they were eighteen. I decided to study health. I figured if I could keep healthy, then I could live until they were both, at least, eighteen and able to take care of themselves.
By studying health, I realized that it was unhealthy to eat animals. Later on, I became radical about feeling sorry for the animals who are victims of slaughter and man's various appetites.
If I can be thankful for anything I accomplished in this life, it is the fact that I realized that it is wrong to kill animals. All the hard times I had to go throgh was worth it if it meant I would realize this. If I had my life to live over, and knew all the hard times I would have to endure - but in the long run I would realize the injustice society dishes out to animals - I would say, "I will endure these trials and tribulations and be dragged through the "pits of Hell" just to know that it is wrong to kill animals.
I have enjoyed all the worldly things. I have done everything I want to do as far as the world can offer me. I have all the worldy "things" I ever want. Now it is my time to give back to the world. I feel that by letting people know it is wrong to kill animals is my way of doing this.
The trailer of Opal's upcoming feature film THE OLD STRIPPER:
Jack's new Video Blog about his Mother Opal, the Old Stripper:
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