Sometimes when I think about all the chances I took with my children's safety and my own during my years as a stripper, one stands out in my mind. I am really glad that someone did not call the law on me for taking my kids in the porno movie places where I danced as a stripper.
They would wait back stage for me to do my show. Many times, they would take a dressing room for all their toys and games. All the dancers would walk around naked in front of them. They would play games such as board games with them while being naked.
I do not feel that this type of life damaged my children. I feel that it opened their minds to know that sex and the human body is not something to be ashamed of. It helped them to mentally surpass common, everyday thinking on such matters as this.
But if I had to do over, I would not have taken them backstage because now I realize that one phone call to the police could have caused me to lose my kids forever. I am happy now that I was not smart enough to realize this back then. All I knew then was that I was making a lot of money and that my kids were too young to leave by themselves.
I am glad about my past ignorance in this regard. The lessons of everyday, street smart that my kids obtained from this type of life could not be learned in any school. There is no class for it.
I know that either one of my kids could be left in any major city or small town with nothing but the clothes on their acks and make a go of it on their own - survive. Not many people could do this. The type of life I exposed to them from the burlesk theaters has helped to prepare them for such things as this. The street smarts they learned as children will benedit them the rest of thier lives.
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