Sunday, December 14, 2008

Different Roads to Finding Your Spirit....

I think it is imperative that each of us find our own true self - our own true spirit. All of us do not reach this level on the same road. We all take different roads at times. Who is to say that one road is better or worse than the other? The road that is right for one person may be wrong for another. The end result is what counts. A person might cook rice differently from someone else. As long as it is edible the way he or she likes it; and it serves as a good nutrition value, who cares how it was prepared?

The road I took to find my true spirit and to come face to face with it was quite an unusual road. When I became a stripper, this is the road I traveled that led me to enlightenment. I discovered my spirit. I introduced myself to my spirit. I came face to face with my spirit. I reached a level so high that I would not have been able to cope with the beautiful feeling if it had been any higher.

My spirit has been with me forever. It just took this - what most common ordinary people would call irrational act - to permit me to meet my spirit and to always know that my spirit is continually with me and will always guide me.

My spirit guided me through all the hard times of raising my children. Without the knowledge of my spirit, I do not see how I could have managed this. At that time, I did not know how to take care of myself - let alone two little kids and to raise them to adulthood.

My spirit continually is with me as I make all decisions in my life. Thanks to the road I took as being a stripper and an outcast of society. This decision was the best one I ever made in my life. I truly did find my spirit in the most unconventional way.

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