Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Cop with a Toothache

I was really crazy during the years I was dancing, especially, from the age of twenty four up to thirty. I did so many "off-the-wall"things that a normal person would never dream of doing. I think my mind was going through a transition from being stagnated by being raised in a small town - closed minded society for eighteen years and by being suppressed with the "marriage bonds of ignorance" for six years. Now it was free as a bird with nothing to suppress it. I think my being a stripper symbolized the freedom of my mind . My shedding of my clothes from my body symolized the shedding of the ignorant restraints that had been placed on my mind since birth. Now I was free. But my freedom sometimes excelled into insanity.

An example of one such incident occurred in Syrause, New York. There were two policemen who were friendly with me - nothing sexual - just nice. They would pull up in their patrol car and talk to me while my kids and I were walking from the theater to the hotel or vice versa.

One night when I was walking back to the hotel, they pulled up. I went over to talk to them. We started small talk.

The policeman on the passenger side was rubbing his jaw. I asked him what was wrong. He told me he had a really bad toothache, and it was killing him. I said, "Let me see". At the point, I reached in the patrol car, rubbed his cheek, and slapped him really hard. If looks would have killed, I would hve been dead at that point.

He hurt too much to say anything. His partner just looked at me. I laughed and said, "Well, I'll see you guys later". Then I walked away.

1 comment:

Dirty Laundry Diva said...

Ha, too funny! I bet he was all sad afterwards... Boho.