Saturday, June 7, 2008

Telling the Car Driver to go Fuck his Mother

I had quite a mouth on me while I was a stripper. I used to cuss someone out wherever and whenever I felt like it. It did not make any difference to me what they thought or who heard me.

I still do have quite a mouth on me and speak my mind more openly and honestly than the normal person does; but I have learned to tone it down through the years. I learned this from the process of survival.

The first lesson in life that brought me to the realization that I had better tone my mouth down happened one day in Buffalo, New York when I was walking from the hotel to the theater through a pretty rough area of town composed of bars, pimps, Johns, and prostitutes. A car load of guys were following me. The driver kept hollering sexual things to me. Telling me to get in the car, suck his dick, and whatever other perverted things you can think about. I tried to ignore him by just walking and not looking at him. He just kept it up. I just could not stand it any longer. I hollered out, "Why don't you go fuck your mother?!"

He looked really mean at me and hollered back, "Fuck my mother? You bitch!" I could tell he was going to park pretty soon and get out of the car or meet me at the corner and hurt me.

Luck for me there were a lot of stores around . I quickly dashed into a grocery store. I was really scared.

I stayed in the store for awhile. When I left, I just prayed that those guys were gone. Lucky for me, I never saw them again.

I still have a dirty mouth. I still speak my mind. But that incident was enough of a jolt that brought me to the realization to clean up my mouth, at least, on occasions when I think it is necessary.

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